18 months ago a wrote a short post on how to lose belly fat and after reading it again today I feel like an updated article on the subject is necessary. There are quite a few misconceptions and wrongful methodologies to losing belly fat and these are important to address.
First of all, when people start to pursue their goal of six pack abs they start with a date in mind and the time frame is their goal. This is not a smart way to do things and I will tell you why. Losing weight is a mental thing half as much (if not more) than a physical thing.
If you focus on the time it takes you to burn fat than your focus is not where it needs to be, and if you focus on the wrong thing it will get harder to continue to make progress. Your focus should be on the process and your gratification should come from following your exercise or diet plan, not from looking at yourself in the mirror.
Feel good as you follow trough day by day and you will begin to experience the results that you set out to get sooner or later because the truth is that you can never know how long it will take you until you’ve had the experience yourself.
Allow it to take the time it need because if you try losing belly fat fast in to short period of time you could put too much strain on your body and your body can respond negatively. People have experienced anxiety, exaction and other negative experiences from rushing it too much so let it happen naturally.
Whit that being said, let’s talk about exercises to lose belly fat and the attitude that goes along with it. Lots of folks out there attempt to zero in on a muscle group and that apply the appropriate workout, expecting to get the result. The approach is ridicules when you come to realize that the muscles on your stomache support the muscles on the back and so forth and so on. You need to exercises your entire body in order to get results and remain balanced.
This also means that in order to get results you need to work out more. Sit ups is not enough it is also recommended that you do cardio and lift weights if you have a chance to do so. If you burn fat from your body it only makes sense to replace it with muscles and as you build muscles you’ll burn more fat so it’s a positive process that helps you get the results faster in a natural way.
A few highly recommended fat burning/muscle building exercises that I recommend you do several times per week are the following.
Jump roap
Do sit ups
Do push ups
These activities together impact the entire body and have proven to be effective over and over for decades. Try to stay away from drinking soda and beer, especially beer. And combine the exercises with a healthy diet. You will find that you lose stubborn belly fat faster than you think.
Good point Paul, people respond differently depending on their current weight etc. Therefore it is important to go easy in the beginning until you get used to the daily activity for weight loss. thanks for the comment.